Ryan’s Lion Organization to Aid families in crisis

Ryan Allred with the first set of handmade lions that were donated to the UVRMC Newborn Intensive Care Unit.
Ryan’s Lion Organization to Aid families in crisis
Using dozens of handmade plush “courage” lions created as part of his Eagle Scout Project, Ryan Allred brings hope and comfort to parents of critically ill children.
Mapleton, UT, April 24, 2009:
Ryan Allred, a 17-year-old social entrepreneur, has recently launched The Ryan’s Lion Organization, aimed relieving the burdens of parents whose children suffer from critical illnesses. The organization, which Ryan created as part of his Boy Scout Eagle project, recently donated several of its signature Ryan’s LionTM plush animals to newborn intensive care units in Utah and Idaho, and to young cancer patients in Utah and Texas. In order to raise the needed funds for additional lions that will be donated to the parent support center at UVRMC, the Ryan’s Lion Organization will be holding a fundraiser on Saturday, May 16 from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the city park at 50 South Main in Mapleton, Utah.
The stuffed lions represent “courage.” Each wears a collar bearing the name of a child or individual whose story of courage and hope is posted on the Ryan’s Lion website at www.ryanslion.org. A brochure that accompanies each lion says, “Take him, hold him, use up all of his courage, and if someday you find someone who needs him worse than you do, pass him on.” Ryan’s hope is that as people visit the website and contribute their stories of courage, each lion will become part of a growing chain of empathy and support. Ryan encourages others who know of individuals who have exhibited great courage in the face of a significant challenge to contact him at ryanslionfoundation@gmail.com. Individuals who are willing to contribute their stories to the organization’s website can become “sponsors,” and have their name, or the name of a loved-one, embroidered on the collar of a lion that will be donated to a charitable organization. There is no charge to be a “sponsor.”
“Most of the lions we have already donated as part of the Eagle Scout Project, were sponsored by a parent of a child who has suffered from critical illness or died as an infant,” says Ryan, who initiated the project based on his own family’s experience when he was born prematurely and needed heart surgery. “A sick or dying child causes a roller-coaster of emotions. My hope is that somehow, each of these little stuffed lions can be a tangible reminder to grieving parents that others have experienced similar challenges, and understand how they feel. The stories from the website are heartbreaking, but they show how people who have suffered from severe challenges have found a way to turn their tragedy into an opportunity to reach out and bring hope to others.”
But critically ill children aren’t the only ones finding comfort through the gift of a Ryan’s LionTM. People who hear about the project are also requesting the opportunity to purchase lions for adults who are critically injured in car accidents, for individuals who suffer from eating disorders, and for families in financial crisis. The demand for lions is continually increasing and because the lions have all been handmade in the past, it has been a challenge to have an adequate supply. “My goal is to be able to manufacture lions in bulk, but that requires funding, and I can only mow so many lawns,” says the 17-year-old social entrepreneur.
Individuals interested in helping Ryan achieve his goal of earning funding to manufacture 500 more lions can donate funds, or contribute goods and services to be auctioned at the Eagle Scout project fundraiser.
Those who attend the fundraiser will be entertained by a host of family-friendly activities. Details about activities that have been organized can be found at www.ryanslion.org. Several of the plush Ryan’s LionsTM will be available for purchase via a silent auction. Attendees are encouraged to wear blue, the Ryan’s Lion Organization’s signature color, and to bring a photo of someone admired for “courage in the face of difficulty.” A helium balloon release is scheduled for 1:30 p.m.