Josh’s Story: The First and Last Hug From a Father
Josh Robison entered the hospital in December 2013, complaining of flu-like symptoms. There, it was determined that he was suffering from a staph infection. The culprit was a valve in his heart, and doctors performed surgery to replace the infected valve, so the future looked hopeful for this young student and soon-to-be-father.
Just three days later, with Josh still recovering in the hospital, his wife, Erica, gave birth to their infant son, Logan. Josh was able to be with them, and for a few quiet minutes, father and son met for the first time.

Josh meets his newborn son, Logan for the first time.
Only a few hours later, Josh began complaining of headaches, and further investigation revealed bleeding in his brain. He lost consciousness while doctors were performing a CAT scan. “Josh never regained consciousness,” says his mother, Jodi. The swelling cut off blood and oxygen to his brain stem. “It was obvious that no matter what they did, it was irreversible. If he did live, it wouldn’t be the Josh that we knew.” Josh was taken off from life support the following evening.

Josh holds his son, who was only a few hours old.
Friends set up a fundraising effort to help cover medical expenses the family would be dealing with, and Erica published a written statement that indicates the depth of her courage:
“This is without question the most difficult experience of my life, but it has warmed my heart to be so overwhelmed with love and support from friends and strangers alike. I see so many people wanting to serve in so many ways. The financial support will help ensure that Logan will get an education and everything else he needs, but what will really bless and heal our hearts is the outpouring of thoughts, prayers and messages of love. We are so thankful.”
While there is a sense of profound tragedy about this loss, family members are quick to point out that Erica has something else to hold on to. She was “sealed” to Josh in a religious ceremony the day the couple was married. Erica and Josh believe that family relationships continue after death, and the sealing ceremony links them together eternally as a family.
The Ryan’s Lion Organization expresses sympathy to the Robison family in their time of difficulty. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.