Bryan’s Story – Defying all Odds

Baby Bryan in the NICU
Our son, Bryan, was born at 27 weeks gestation. Already the mother of three, I knew what labor pains felt like. But it was way too early, it couldn’t be happening NOW. But it was. I had already been on bed rest for 3 months with placenta abruptia. We went to the hospital thinking they would give me something to stop the labor and we would go home and deliver in another 3 months. Our world turned upside down in the early morning hours of 22 February.
Bryan was delivered at a hospital that did not have a Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU): after all, it was too soon to be having a baby and who does that at 6 months?! Thanks to a great OB and a fantastic pediatrician, Bryan survived the delivery weighing in at a whopping 2 lbs. 3 oz. – twice the size they expected him to be. He was rushed off by ambulance to the closest hospital with a NICU. Now we were separated with Bryan in one hospital and me in another.
He had many ups and downs over his 3-month stay in the NICU. How do you get used to those phone calls telling you to hurry to the hospital because he might not make it much longer? We had many such calls. Some of the diseases he had were: a hole in his heart, respiratory distress, neonatal sepsis, apnea, bradycardia, and hypotension to name a few. Then he developed necrotizing enterocolitis. He was in critical condition and needed a pediatric surgeon. The local surgeon was going out of town so Bryan was transferred to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. Upon his admittance to the NICU we were told he was the sickest baby in the unit and that he probably would not make it, but they would do all they could. He was in so much pain! His belly was distended and discolored. We felt so helpless! Then we received a miracle! Bryan began to improve without the need for surgery. Alas, we had crossed yet another hurdle. We stayed in Primary’s for one month then transferred back to the hospital closer to our home and family.
After he learned how to suck, maintain his body temperature and was consistently gaining weight, we were allowed to bring our miracle baby home! He came home on oxygen and a heart monitor. We were told he would probably have vision problems and, due to lung problems, would not be able to run and play like the other children. That was OK with us. He was alive and coming home.
That was 20 years ago! He defied all odds. He can see with perfect vision. He has played soccer his entire life. He was a high school wrestler. He has been able to accomplish all he has ever desired to do. He is currently serving a mission for our church in Mexico. We only have our Heavenly Father, our wonderful pediatrician and the awesome NICU staff to thank for our little miracle.
Bryan passed a lion on to … Jacob