Ryanslion.org - Those who have suffered can truly sympathize.

Thomas Day and YSA Group

Thomas’s Story – Lions #123 & 124

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. -Helen Keller ”  Thomas lived the happy-go-lucky life of an average five year old until half way through his...

Ryan's Lion Balloon Release Fundraiser

Fundraiser is Successful! Thanks Everyone

  We are so grateful to our friends and sponsors who made the Ryan’s Lion Fundraiser such an overwhelming success!   We especially thank the following contributors: Karlyn Naylor, and the Naylor family who...

Christmas Tree with star on beach

Reaching Out to Families in Sandy Hook

The Ryan’s Lion Organization, and Ryan’s family all express our deepest sorrow for the families of victims in the Sandy Hook, Connecticut shootings. We have felt that it might be appropriate to do something...

Ryan's Lion Logo

Matthew’s Story

Lion # 109 Twenty two years ago, my third child was born unexpectedly seven weeks early at UVRMC. His name is Matthew, which means “Gift of God.” His stay was only a few weeks...

My Miracle – Robyn’s Story

I have difficulty having children. My first pregnancy was a girl. My second ended in miscarriage. My third was a boy. When my son was about 1, I decided I wanted to try one more...